Rabu, 29 Agustus 2007

Oom - Access Siemens GSM CellPhone With Full AT+Command (VB6 - Open Source)

Salah satu tool buatan o'om.

This is a full AT+Command for access siemens GSM CellPhone. This program only to know with handy test AT+Command for Siemens. With this program you can know how to access siemens with AT+Command. For example : AT+CGMI = output [SIEMENS], AT+CGMM = output [C45], Access Midi (sound) = AT^SBNW="mid",0,1 > 4D5468640000000..... (CTRL-Z) , Access Logo = example : AT^SBNW="bmp",0,0 and any other.

Download Source code : http://planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=39444&lngWId=1

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